The Review Section Table for Basic Sections (lists)

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Basic Section Examples of related research content Corresponding Midium-sized Section and Broad Section
Medium-sized Section Broad Section
01010 Philosophy and ethics-related 01 A
Philosophy in general, Ethics in general, Western philosophy, Western ethics, Japanese philosophy, Japanese ethics, Applied ethics, etc. 
01020 Chinese philosophy, Indian philosophy and Buddhist philosophy-related 01 A
Chinese philosophy/thought, Indian philosophy/thought, Buddhist philosophy, Bibliography, Philology, etc. 
01030 Religious studies-related 01 A
History of religions, Philosophy of religion, Theology, Sociology of religion, Psychology of religion, Anthropology of religion, Studies of religious folklore, Mythology, Bibliography, Philology, etc. 
01040 History of thought-related 01 A
History of thought in general, History of Western thought, History of Eastern thought, History of Japanese thought, History of Islamic thought, etc. 
01050 Aesthetics and art studies-related 01 A
Philosophy of art, Aesthetics, Music theory, Theatrical theory, Miscellaneous art studies, etc. 
01060 History of arts-related 01 A
Japanese art, Eastern art, Western art, Contemporary art, Craft, Design, Architecture, Costume, Photography, etc. 
01070 Theory of art practice-related 01 A
Art expression, Arts management, Art policy, Art production, etc. 
01080 Sociology of science, history of science and technology-related 01 A
Sociology of science, History of science, History of technology, History of medicine, Industrial archeology, Philosophy of science, Foundation of science, STS (Science, technology and society), etc. 
02010 Japanese literature-related 02 A
Japanese literature in general, Ancient literature, Medieval literature, Chinese classics in Japan, Bibliography, Philology, Premodern literature, Modern literature, Contemporary literature, Literary theory, etc. 
02020 Chinese literature-related 02 A
Chinese literature, Bibliography, Philology, Literary theory, etc. 
02030 English literature and literature in the English language-related 02 A
English literature, American literature, Literature in the English language, Literary theory, Bibliography, Philology, etc. 
02040 European literature-related 02 A
French literature, Literature in the French language, German literature, Literature in the German language, Classics, Russian and East European literature, Literature in other European languages, Literary theory, Bibliography, Philology, etc. 
02050 Literature in general-related 02 A
Literature in other languages and areas, Literary theory, Comparative literature, Bibliography, Philology, Literature education, etc. 
02060 Linguistics-related 02 A
Phonetics/phonology, Semantics/pragmatics, Morphosyntax, Sociolinguistics, Contrastive linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics, Historical linguistics, Corpus linguistics, Endangered and minority languages, etc. 
02070 Japanese linguistics-related 02 A
Phonetics/phonology, Writing systems, Lexicon and semantics, Grammar, Stylistics, Pragmatics, Language life, Dialect, History of the Japanese language, History of Japanese linguistics, etc. 
02080 English linguistics-related 02 A
Phonetics/phonology, Lexicon and semantics, Grammar, Stylistics, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Diversity of the English language, Corpus linguistics, History of the English language, History of English linguistics, etc. 
02090 Japanese language education-related 02、09 A
Research on learners, Language acquisition, Teaching material, Curriculum evaluation, Japanese language education for specific purposes, Bilingual education, Research on teachers, Japanese language for Japanese language education, History of Japanese language education, Cross-cultural understanding, etc. 
02100 Foreign language education-related 02、09 A
Learning method, Computer-assisted language learning (CALL), Teaching material, Language testing, Theory of second language acquisition, Early English education, History of foreign language education and language policies, Curriculum evaluation, Training foreign language teachers, Cross-cultural understanding, etc. 
03010 Historical studies in general-related 03 A
Historical theory, Historical methodology, Research in historical materials, Memory and medium, World history, History of cultural and diplomatic exchange, Comparative history, Global history, Environmental history, History of emotions, etc. 
03020 Japanese history-related 03 A
History of ancient Japan, History of medieval Japan, History of early modern Japan, History of modern Japan, History of local Japan, History of external relations, History of culture and religion, History of Japanese environment, History of Japanese city, Research in historical materials, etc. 
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Basic Section Examples of related research content Corresponding Midium-sized Section and Broad Section
Medium-sized Section Broad Section
03030 History of Asia and Africa-related 03 A
Chinese history, East Asian history, Central Eurasian history, Southeast Asian history, Oceanian history, South Asian history, West Asian history, African history, History of cultural and diplomatic exchange, Research in historical materials, etc. 
03040 History of Europe and America-related 03 A
Ancient European history, Medieval European history, Modern and contemporary West European history, Modern and contemporary East European history, North and South American history, History of cultural and diplomatic exchange, Comparative history, Research in historical materials, etc. 
03050 Archaeology-related 03 A
Archaeology in general, Prehistoric archaeology, Historical archaeology, Japanese archaeology, Ancient civilizations, History of material culture, Experimental archaeology, Information archaeology, Study of buried cultural property, Ecological archeology, etc. 
03060 Cultural assets study-related 03 A
Dating methods, Material analysis, Production techniques, Conservation science, Archaeological prospection, Plant and animal residues, Human remains, Cultural heritage, Cultural property policy, Restoration of cultural properties, etc. 
03070 Museology-related 03 A
Museum displays and exhibitions, Museum management, Museum collections and documentation, Museum conservation and preservation, Museum education and learning, Museum informatics and media studies, Museum finance and administration, History of museums and museology, etc. 
04010 Geography-related 04 A
Geography in general, Land use, Landscape, Environmental system, Geomorphology, Climatology, Hydrology, Cartography, Geographic information system, Regional planning, etc. 
04020 Human geography-related 04 A
Human geography in general, Economic geography, Social geography, Political geography, Cultural geography, Urban geography, Rural geography, Historical geography, Regional geography, Geography education, etc. 
04030 Cultural anthropology and folklore-related 04 A
Cultural anthropology in general, Folklore in general, Material culture, Ecology, Social relationship, Religion, Arts, Health care, Border crossing, Minority, etc. 
80010 Area studies-related 04、06 A
Area studies in general, Cross-regional comparative studies, Aid, Social development, Interregional exchange, Environment, Transnationalism, Globalization, Refugees, Conflict, etc. 
80020 Tourism studies-related 04、07、08 A
Tourism studies in general, Tourism resources, Tourism policy, Tourism industry, Tourist area, Tourists, Tourism culture, Tourism media, Sustainable tourism, Tourism ethics, etc. 
80030 Gender studies-related 04、06、08 A
Gender studies in general, Feminism, Men's studies, Sexuality, Queer studies, Labor, Violence, Prostitution, Reproductive technology, Gender equality, etc. 
05010 Legal theory and history-related 05 A
Legal philosophy, Roman law, Legal history, Sociology of law, Comparative law, Foreign law, Law and policy, Law and economics, Judicial system, etc. 
05020 Public law-related 05 A
Constitutional law, Administrative law, Tax law, etc. 
05030 International law-related 05 A
Public international law, Private international law, International human rights law, International economic law, EU law, etc. 
05040 Social law-related 05 A
Labor law, Economic law, Social security law, Education law, etc. 
05050 Criminal law-related 05 A
Criminal law, Criminal procedure, Criminology, Criminal justice policy, Juvenile law, Law and psychology, etc. 
05060 Civil law-related 05 A
Civil law, Commercial law, Civil procedure, Insolvency law, Alternative dispute resolution, etc. 
05070 New fields of law-related 05 A
Environmental law, Medical law, Information law, Consumer law, Intellectual property law, Law and gender, Legal profession, etc. 
06010 Politics-related 06 A
Political theory, History of political thought, Political history, Political process, Political participation, Political economy, Public administration, Local government, Comparative politics, Public policy, etc. 
06020 International relations-related 06 A
Theory of international relations, International history, Foreign policy, International security, International political economy, Global governance, International cooperation, Peace research, etc. 
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Medium-sized Section Broad Section
07010 Economic theory-related 07 A
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Game theory, Behavioral economics, Experimental economics, Economic theory, Evolutionary economics, Economic institutions, Economic systems, etc. 
07020 Economic doctrines and economic thought-related 07 A
Economic doctrines, Economic thought, Social thought, Economic philosophy, etc. 
07030 Economic statistics-related 07 A
Statistical system, Statistical research, Economic statistics, Big data, Econometrics, Financial econometrics, etc. 
07040 Economic policy-related 07 A
Economic policy, Industrial organization, International economics, Development economics, Environmental and resource economics, Japanese economy, Regional economy, Urban economics, Transportation economics, Spatial economics, etc. 
07050 Public economics and labor economics-related 07 A
Public finance, Public economics, Health economics, Labor economics, Social security, Education economics, Law and economics, Political economy, Demography, etc. 
07060 Money and finance-related 07 A
Monetary economics, Finance, International finance, Corporate finance, Financial engineering, Insurance, etc. 
07070 Economic history-related 07 A
Economic history, Business history, Industrial history, etc. 
07080 Business administration-related 07 A
Organization theory, Corporate strategy, Organizational behavior, Corporation theory, Corporate governance theory, Human resource management, Technology/Innovation management theory, International business, Management information, Business administration in general, etc. 
07090 Commerce-related 07 A
Marketing, Consumer behavior, Distributive sciences, Logistics, Commerce in general, etc. 
07100 Accounting-related 07 A
Financial accounting, Management accounting, Auditing, Accounting in general, etc. 
08010 Sociology-related 08 A
Sociology in general, Community, Family, Labor, Stratification, Culture, Media, Ethnicity, Social movements, Social research, etc. 
08020 Social welfare-related 08 A
Social work, Social policy, Social welfare history, Child welfare, Social welfare for people with disabilities, Social welfare for aging, Community welfare, Poverty, Volunteerism, Social welfare in general, etc. 
08030 Family and consumer sciences, and culture and living-related 08 A
Dress and fashion, Diet habits, Housing, Family resource management, Family relations, Lifestyle, Culture and living, Family and consumer education, Family and consumer sciences in general, etc. 
09010 Education-related 09 A
History of education, Philosophy of education, Curriculum and pedagogy, Teacher and trainer, School education, Social and community education, Institutions and administration, Comparative education, Educational administration, etc. 
09020 Sociology of education-related 09 A
Sociology of education, Socialization, Educational community, Destination and career formation, Class disparities, Gender, Education policy, Globalization and development, etc. 
09030 Childhood and nursery/pre-school education-related 09 A
Childhood, Nursery/pre-school education, Right of child, Development, Contents and methods of child care, Childcare facilities and kindergarten, Caregiver and pre-school teacher, Child care support, Childhood culture, History and thought, etc. 
09040 Education on school subjects and primary/secondary education-related 09 A
Education of individual subjects, Lessons of each subject area, Instructional guidance, Teacher education, Special activities, Integrated studies, Moral education, etc. 
09050 Tertiary education-related 09 A
Policy, Admission and articulation, Curriculum, Career guidance, Teacher and staff, Scientific research, Regional link and contribution, Globalization, Management and governance, Non-university higher education, etc. 
09060 Special needs education-related 09 A
Philosophy and history, Inclusion and cohesive society, Instructions and supports, Developmental disabilities, Emotional disturbance, Intellectual disabilities, Language disorders, Physical disabilities, Career education, etc. 
09070 Educational technology-related 09 A
Curriculum development, Teaching-learning support systems, Utilization of media, Utilization of ICT, Teacher's education, Information literacy, etc. 
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Basic Section Examples of related research content Corresponding Midium-sized Section and Broad Section
Medium-sized Section Broad Section
09080 Science education-related 09 A
Science education, Science communication, Scientific literacy, Science and society, STEM education, etc. 
10010 Social psychology-related 10 A
Social psychology in general, Self, Group, Attitude and behavior, Affection/emotion, Interpersonal relation, Social issues, Culture, etc. 
10020 Educational psychology-related 10 A
Educational psychology in general, Development, Family, School, Clinical practice, Personality, Learning, Assessment and evaluation, etc. 
10030 Clinical psychology-related 10 A
Clinical psychology in general, Psychological disorder, Assessment, Psychological intervention, Training, Mental health, Crime and delinquency, Community, etc. 
10040 Experimental psychology-related 10 A
Experimental psychology in general, Sensation, Perception, Attention, Memory, Language, Emotion, Learning, etc. 
11010 Algebra-related 11 B
Group theory, Ring theory, Representation theory, Algebraic combinatorics, Number theory, Arithmetic geometry, Algebraic geometry, Algebraic analysis, etc. 
11020 Geometry-related 11 B
Differential geometry, Riemannian geometry, Symplectic geometry, Complex geometry, Topology, Differential topology, Low dimensional topology, etc. 
12010 Basic analysis-related 12 B
Functional analysis, Complex analysis, Probability theory, Harmonic analysis, Operator theory, Spectral analysis, Operator algebras, Algebraic analysis, Representation theory, etc. 
12020 Mathematical analysis-related 12 B
Functional equations, Real analysis, Dynamical system, Variational method, Nonlinear analysis, Applied analysis, etc. 
12030 Basic mathematics-related 12 B
Mathematical logic and foundations, Information theory, Discrete mathematics, Computer mathematics, History of mathematics, etc. 
12040 Applied mathematics and statistics-related 12 B
Numerical analysis, Mathematical modelling, Optimal control, Game theory, Statistical mathematics, etc. 
13010 Mathematical physics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics-related 13 B
Statistical physics, Fundamental theory of condensed matter physics, Mathematical physics, Nonequilibrium nonlinear physics, Fluid dynamics, Computational physics, Quantum information theory, etc. 
13020 Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics-related 13 B
Semiconductors, Dielectrics, Atoms and molecules, Mesoscopic systems, Crystals, Surfaces and interfaces, Optical properties of condensed matter, Quantum electronics, Quantum information, etc. 
13030 Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems-related 13 B
Magnetism, Strongly correlated electron systems, Superconductivity, Quantum fluids and solids, Molecular solids, etc. 
13040 Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics-related 13 B
Physics of biological phenomena, Physics of biological matters, Liquids and glasses, Soft matters, Rheology, etc. 
14010 Fundamental plasma-related 14 B
Basic plasmas, Magnetized plasmas, Laser plasmas, Strongly coupled plasmas, Plasma diagnostics, Astrophysical and space plasmas, etc. 
14020 Nuclear fusion-related 14 B
Plasma confinement, Plasma control, Plasma heating, Plasma diagnostics, Edge plasma, Plasma wall interaction, Inertial fusion, Fusion material, Fusion system, etc. 
14030 Applied plasma science-related 14 B
Plasma processing, Plasma material science, General plasma applications, etc. 
80040 Quantum beam science-related 14、15 B
Accelerators, Beam physics, Radiation detectors, Beam control, Applied quantum beam science, etc. 
15010 Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics 15 B
Particle physics, Nuclear physics, Cosmic-ray physics, Astrophysics, Relativity, Gravity, etc. 
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15020 Experimental studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics 15 B
Particle physics, Nuclear physics, Cosmic-ray physics, Astrophysics, Relativity, Gravity, etc. 
16010 Astronomy-related 16 B
Theoretical astronomy, Radio astronomy, Optical/infrared astronomy, X-ray/γ-ray astronomy, Astrometry, Solar physics, Exoplanet astronomy, etc. 
17010 Space and planetary sciences-related 17 B
Solar-terrestrial physics, Aeronomy, Planetary science, Exoplanetary science, Extraterrestrial material science, etc. 
17020 Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences-related 17 B
Climate system, Atmospheric science, Ocean science, Limnology, Glaciology, Paleoclimatology, etc. 
17030 Human geosciences-related 17 B
Geoenvironmental science, Natural disaster science, Geospatial information science, Quaternary research, Earth resources science, etc. 
17040 Solid earth sciences-related 17 B
Solid earth geophysics, Geology, Earth's interior material science, Solid earth geochemistry, etc. 
17050 Biogeosciences-related 17 B
Origin and evolution of life, Extremophile biology, Biogeochemistry, Paleoenvironmental science, Paleontology, etc. 
18010 Mechanics of materials and materials-related 18 C
Structural mechanics, Fatigue, Fracture, Biomaterials, Material design, Material characteristics, Material evaluation, etc. 
18020 Manufacturing and production engineering-related 18 C
Machining, Non-traditional machining, Ultraprecision machining, Machine tools, Manufacturing systems, Precision metrology, Process planning, etc. 
18030 Design engineering-related 18 C
Mechanical design, Product design, Design theory, Design for reliability, Optimal design, Computer-aided design, etc. 
18040 Machine elements and tribology-related 18 C
Machine elements, Mechanisms, Tribology, Actuators, Micromachines, etc. 
19010 Fluid engineering-related 19 C
Fluid machinery, Flow measurement, Computational fluid dynamics, Turbulence, Multiphase flow, Compressible flow, Incompressible flow, etc. 
19020 Thermal engineering-related 19 C
Heat transfer, Convection, Combustion, Thermophysical properties, Refrigeration and air-conditioning, Heat engine, Energy conversion, etc. 
20010 Mechanics and mechatronics-related 20 C
Kinematics, Kinetics, Vibration, Acoustics, Automation, Biomechanics, Instrument and control applications, Mechatronics applications, etc. 
20020 Robotics and intelligent system-related 20 C
Robotics, Intelligent system, Human mechanical system, Human interface, Planning, Intelligent spatial system, Virtual reality, Augmented reality, etc. 
21010 Power engineering-related 21 C
Electrical energy-related, Energy conservation, Power system engineering, Electric machinery, Power electronics, Effective utilization of electric energy, Electromagnetic compatibility, Wireless power transfer, etc. 
21020 Communication and network engineering-related 21 C
Information theory, Nonlinear theory, Signal processing, Communication systems, Modulation/demodulation, Antennas, Networks, Multimedia, Cryptography/security, etc. 
21030 Measurement engineering-related 21 C
Measurement theory, Measuring instruments, Applied wave metrology, Measurement systems, Signal processing, Sensing, etc. 
21040 Control and system engineering-related 21 C
Control theory, System theory, Control systems, Knowledge-based control systems, System information processing, System control applications, Biosystems engineering, etc. 
21050 Electric and electronic materials-related 21 C
Semiconductor, Dielectric materials, Magnetic materials, Organic materials, Superconductor, Composite materials, Thin films, Functional materials, Thick films, Fabrication/characterization methods, etc. 
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Medium-sized Section Broad Section
21060 Electron device and electronic equipment-related 21 C
Electron devices, Circuit design, Optical devices, Spintronic devices, Millimeter wave/terahertz wave, Applied wave devices, Storage devices, Displays, Process technology, Implementation technology, etc. 
22010 Civil engineering material, execution and construction management-related 22 C
Concrete, Steel, Composite material, Wood, Pavement material, Repair and reinforce material, Execution, Maintenance, Construction management, etc. 
22020 Structure engineering and earthquake engineering-related 22 C
Applied mechanics, Structure engineering, Steel structure, Concrete structure, Composite structure, Wind engineering, Earthquake engineering, Aseismatic structure, Earthquake prevention, etc. 
22030 Geotechnical engineering-related 22 C
Soil mechanics, Foundation engineering, Rock engineering, Engineering Geology, Ground behavior, Geotechnical structures, Geo-disaster prevention, Geo-environment, Tunnel engineering, etc. 
22040 Hydroengineering-related 22 C
Hydraulics, Environmental hydraulics, Hydrology, River engineering, Water resource engineering, Coastal engineering, Port and harbor engineering, Ocean engineering, etc. 
22050 Civil engineering plan and transportation engineering-related 22 C
Civil engineering plan, Regional urban planning, Spatial planning, Disaster prevention plan, Transportation plan, Transportation engineering, Railway engineering, Surveying and remote sensing, Landscape design, Civil engineering history, etc. 
22060 Environmental systems for civil engineering-related 22 C
Environment plan, Environmental system, Environment conservation, Water serve and drainage systems, Waste, Water environment, Atmospheric circulation, Noise and vibration, Environment ecology, Environmental monitoring, etc. 
23010 Building structures and materials-related 23 C
Load theory, Structural analysis, Structural design, Structures, Earthquake resistant design, Foundation, Geotechnics, Structural material, Maintenance, Building construction method, etc. 
23020 Architectural environment and building equipment-related 23 C
Sound environment, Vibration environment, Light environment, Heat environment, Air environment, Environmental psychology/physiology, Building equipment, Fire engineering, Urban environment, Environment design, etc. 
23030 Architectural planning and city planning-related 23 C
Planning theory, Design theory, Housing theory, Buildings, Urban/regional planning, Administration, Building economics, Production management, Disaster prevention planning, Landscape, etc. 
23040 Architectural history and design-related 23 C
Architectural history, Urban history, Architectural theory, Design, Landscape, Preservation, Renovation, etc. 
24010 Aerospace engineering-related 24 C
Thermo-fluid dynamics, Structural mechanics, Propulsion, Aerospace craft design, Production engineering, Aircraft system, Aerodynamics, Spacecraft system, Space utilization, etc. 
24020 Marine engineering-related 24 C
Navigation, Structural mechanics, Structural design, Production technology, Marine propulsion, Marine transport, Marine development, Underwater engineering, Polar engineering, Marine environmental technology, etc. 
25010 Social systems engineering-related 25 C
Social systems, Industrial engineering, Operations research, Industrial management, Reliability engineering, Policy science, Regulatory science, Quality control, etc. 
25020 Safety engineering-related 25 C
Safety engineering, Safety system, Risk engineering, Risk management, Work safety, Industrial safety, Product safety, Safety information, Human engineering, Liability engineering, etc. 
25030 Disaster prevention engineering-related 25 C
Disaster prediction, Hazard map, Building prevention against disaster, Lifeline prevention against disaster, Regional disaster prevention planning, Risk evaluation of disaster, Disaster prevention policy, Disaster resilience, etc. 
26010 Metallic material properties-related 26 D
Electric and magnetic properties, Metastable states, Diffusion, Phase transformation, Phase diagram, Lattice defect, Mechanical properties, Thermal and optical properties, Materials computational science, Microstructure analysis, etc. 
26020 Inorganic materials and properties-related 26 D
Functional ceramics, Glass, Engineering ceramics, Carbon-based materials, Crystal structure analysis, Microstructure, Electric properties, Mechanical properties, Physical and chemical properties, Grain boundary, etc. 
26030 Composite materials and interfaces-related 26 D
Functional composite materials, Structural composite materials, Biocompatible composite materials, Polymer composite, Surface treatment, Bonding and joining, Interface properties, Gradient function, etc. 
26040 Structural materials and functional materials-related 26 D
Infrastructural materials, Structural materials, Functional materials, Medical welfare materials, Reliability, Sensor materials, Energy materials, Battery materials, Environmental materials, etc. 
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Medium-sized Section Broad Section
26050 Material processing and microstructure control-related 26 D
Processing and molding, Molding, Weld joining, Crystal microstructure control, Laser processing, Precision processing, Polishing, Powder metallurgy, Coating, Corrosion and protection, etc. 
26060 Metals production and resources production-related 26 D
Separation and purification, Melting and solidifying, Crystal growth, Casting, Scarce resources substitution, Low environment impact, Recycle, etc. 
27010 Transport phenomena and unit operations-related 27 D
Phase equilibrium, Transport properties, Fluid-phase unit operation, Adsorption, Membrane separation, Stir mixing, Powder and particle, Crystallization, Film formation, Supercritical, etc. 
27020 Chemical reaction and process system engineering-related 27 D
Reaction operation, Novel reaction process, Reaction mechanism, Reactor design, Materials synthesis process, Microreactor, Process control, Process system design, Process informatics, etc. 
27030 Catalyst and resource chemical process-related 27 D
Catalyst preparation, Catalytic function, Energy conversion process, Energy technology, Resources effective utilization technology, Catalytic material, Active site analysis, etc. 
27040 Biofunction and bioprocess engineering-related 27 D
Biocatalyst engineering, Biofunction engineering, Food engineering, Medicochemical engineering, Bioproduction process, Bioreactor, Bioseparation, Biosensor, Biorefinery, etc. 
28010 Nanometer-scale chemistry-related 28 D
Nanoparticle chemistry, Mesoscopic chemistry, Nanostructure control, Self-assembly, Nanocarbons, Molecular devices, Nanointerface function, Nanospace function, etc. 
28020 Nanostructural physics-related 28 D
Physics in nanoscale materials and structures, Nanoprobes, Quantum dots, Quantum devices, Electron devices, Spin devices, Nano optical device, Nanotribology, Nanocarbon physics, etc. 
28030 Nanomaterials-related 28 D
Creation of nanomaterials, Analysis of nanomaterials, Nanosurfaces and nanointerfaces, Functional nanomaterials, Nanoparticles, Carbon nanomaterials, Two-dimensional materials, Nanocrystalline materials, Nanocomposites, Nanofabrication process, etc. 
28040 Nanobioscience-related 28 D
Biomolecular devices, Molecular manipulation, Molecular imaging, Nanomeasurements, Nanosynthesis, Single molecule science, Nano-bio interfaces, Biomolecular array, Genome engineering, etc. 
28050 Nano/micro-systems-related 28 D
MEMS, NEMS, BioMEMS, Nano/micro-fabrication, Nano/micro-chemical systems, Nano/micro-biosystems, Nano/micro-mechanics, Nano/micro-sensors, etc. 
29010 Applied physical properties-related 29 D
Magnetic materials, Superconductors, Dielectrics, Fine particles, Liquid crystals, New functional materials, Molecular electronics, Bioelectronics, Spintronics, etc. 
29020 Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties-related 29 D
Thin-film engineering, Surface and interfacial engineering, Surface science, Vacuum, Measurement, Analysis, Nanoscopic technology, Advanced equipment, Electronics application, etc. 
29030 Applied condensed matter physics-related 29 D
Elementary quantities, Standards, Units, Physical quantity measurements and detection, Energy conversion, etc. 
30010 Crystal engineering-related 30 D
Metal, Semiconductor, Ceramics, Amorphous, Crystal growth, Artificial structures, Device structure, Crystal characterization, Plasma process, etc. 
30020 Optical engineering and photon science-related 30 D
Optical materials, Optical elements, Optical properties, Optical information processing, Laser, Optical sensing, Optical recording, Opto-electronics, Nonlinear optics, Quantum optics, etc. 
31010 Nuclear engineering-related 31 D
Reactor physics, Nuclear safety, Thermal-hydraulics and structure, Fuel material, Nuclear chemistry, Nuclear life cycle, Radiation safety, Radiation engineering, Fusion reactor engineering, Nuclear social environment, etc. 
31020 Earth resource engineering, Energy sciences-related 31 D
Resource prospecting, Resource development, Resource cycle, Resource economy, Energy system, Environmental load, Renewable energy, Natural resources and energy policy, etc. 
32010 Fundamental physical chemistry-related 32 E
Gas, Liquid, Solid, Nanomaterials, Bio-related materials, Structure and properties, Chemical reactions, Spectroscopy, Theoretical calculation, Data science, etc. 
32020 Functional solid state chemistry-related 32 E
Molecular materials, Inorganic compounds, Hybrid compounds, Colloids, Surface/interface, Electrical properties, Optical properties, Magnetic properties, Energy conversion, Catalysis, etc. 
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Medium-sized Section Broad Section
33010 Structural organic chemistry and physical organic chemistry-related 33 E
Chemistry of organic crystals, Molecular recognition, Supermolecules, Functional organic molecules, Extended π-electron molecules, Organoelement chemistry, Reaction mechanism, Molecular chirality, Theoretical organic chemistry, etc. 
33020 Synthetic organic chemistry-related 33 E
Development of reactions, Reaction mechanism, Selective reactions, Asymmetric synthesis, Development of catalysts, Biocatalysis, Sustainable organic synthesis, Natural product synthesis, Process chemistry, etc. 
34010 Inorganic/coordination chemistry-related 34 E
Coordination chemistry, Organometallic chemistry, Inorganic solid-state chemistry, Bioinorganic chemistry, Solution chemistry, Clusters, Supramolecular complexes, Coordination polymers, Typical elements, Physical properties and functions, etc. 
34020 Analytical chemistry-related 34 E
Spectrometric analysis, Advanced measurements, Surface/interface analysis, Separation analysis, Analytical reagents, Radiochemical analysis, Electrochemical analysis, Bioanalysis, New analysis methods, etc. 
34030 Green sustainable chemistry and environmental chemistry-related 34 E
Green process, Green catalysts, Recycle, Environmental assessment, Environmentally conscious materials, Reduction of environmental load, Environmental restoration, Resource saving, Geochemistry, Environmental radioactivity, etc. 
35010 Polymer chemistry-related 35 E
Polymer synthesis, Polymer reactions, Functional polymers, Self-assembled polymers, Non-covalent polymers, Chiral polymers, Bio-related polymers, Polymer properties, Polymer structures, Polymer interface, etc. 
35020 Polymer materials-related 35 E
Properties of polymer materials, Synthesis of polymer materials, Functional polymer materials, Environmentally friendly polymer materials, Liquid crystal polymers, Gel, Biopolymers, Polymer composites, Polymer processing, etc. 
35030 Organic functional materials-related 35 E
Organic semiconductors, Liquid crystals, Optical materials, Device-related materials, Electrically conductive materials, Hybrid materials, Molecular functional materials, Organic hybrid materials, Materials for energy conversion, etc. 
36010 Inorganic compounds and inorganic materials chemistry-related 36 E
Crystals, Amorphous, Ceramics, Semiconductors, Inorganic device-related materials, Low-dimensional compounds, Porous materials, Nanoparticles, Multicomponent compounds, Hybrid materials, etc. 
36020 Energy-related chemistry 36 E
Energy resources, Energy conversion materials, Energy carriers, Solar energy utilization, Material separation, Catalytic transformation, Battery and electrochemical materials, Energy-saving materials, Renewable energy, Unused energy, etc. 
37010 Bio-related chemistry 37 E
Bioorganic chemistry, Bioinorganic chemistry, Biological reaction engineering, Biofunctional chemistry, Biofunctional materials, Biotechnology, etc. 
37020 Chemistry and chemical methodology of biomolecules-related 37 E
Natural product chemistry, Biologically active compounds, Molecular mechanism of biological activities, Biofunctional molecules, Combinatorial chemistry, Metabolomic analysis, etc. 
37030 Chemical biology-related 37 E
In vivo functional expression, Intracellular chemical reactions, Drug discovery science, Chemical library, Structure-activity relationship, Chemical probes, Biomolecular measurements, Molecular imaging, Proteomics, etc. 
38010 Plant nutrition and soil science-related 38 F
Plant metabolism and physiology, Nutritional elements in plants, Soil classification, Soil physical chemistry, Soil organisms, etc. 
38020 Applied microbiology-related 38 F
Microbial genetics/breeding, Microbial function, Microbial metabolism and physiology, Microbial applications, Control of microbes, Microbial ecology, Production of useful materials, etc. 
38030 Applied biochemistry-related 38 F
Cellular biochemistry, Applied biochemistry, Structural biology, Regulation of bioactivity, Metabolism and physiology, Cellular function, Molecular function, Production of useful materials, etc. 
38040 Bioorganic chemistry-related 38 F
Bioactive substances, Signal molecules, Natural products chemistry, Biosynthesis, Structure-activity relationship, Synthetic organic chemistry, Chemical biology, etc. 
38050 Food sciences-related 38 F
Food function, Food chemistry, Nutritional chemistry, Food analysis, Food engineering, Food safety, Functional food, Nutritional epidemiology, Clinical nutrition, etc. 
38060 Applied molecular and cellular biology-related 38 F
Molecular cell biology, Cellular bioengineering, Molecular engineering, Gene expression control, Cell-cell/intermolecular interactions, Cellular function, Production of useful materials, etc. 
39010 Science in plant genetics and breeding-related 39 F
Genetic resources, Breeding theories, Genomic breeding, Plants with novel traits, Quality components, Stress tolerance, Yielding ability, Reproduction and multiplication, Growth physiology, Development, etc. 
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39020 Crop production science-related 39 F
Field crops, Crop yield, Crop product quality, Crop morphology, Growth prediction, Crop physiology, Field management, Low-cost cultivation techniques, Environmentally friendly agriculture, Field ecosystem, etc. 
39030 Horticultural science-related 39 F
Plant growth, flowering, and fruit development, Nursery plant propagation and production, Crop production systems, Cultivation techniques, Protected horticulture, Controlled environment systems, Breeding and development of new cultivars, Quality of horticultural products, Postharvest physiology and management, Socio-horticulture, etc. 
39040 Plant protection science-related 39 F
Plant pathology, Clinical plant science, Agricultural insect pest, Natural enemy, Weed, Agricultural chemicals, Integrated pest management, etc. 
39050 Insect science-related 39 F
Sericulture insect technology, Insect genetics, Insect pathology, Insect physiology and biochemistry, Insect ecology, Chemical ecology, Systematics, Symbiosis and parasitism, Social insects, Medical entomology, etc. 
39060 Conservation of biological resources-related 39 F
Conservation biology, Biodiversity conservation, Conservation of phylogenetic diversity, Genetic resources conservation, Ecosystem conservation, Conservation of microorganisms, Impacts of non-native species, etc. 
39070 Landscape science-related 39 F
Landscape architecture, Parks and open space planning, Landscape planning, Cultural landscape, Nature conservation, Landscape ecology, Parks and open space management, Parks, Environmental greening, Participatory community design, etc. 
40010 Forest science-related 40 F
Forest ecology, Forest biodiversity, Forest genetics and breeding, Silviculture, Forest protection, Forest environments, Erosion control, Forest utilization, Forest planning, Forest policy, etc. 
40020 Wood science-related 40 F
Wood structure, Wood property, Lignocellulose, Trace element, Fungus, Wood processing, Biomass-refinery, Wood based material, Wooden building, Forest products education, etc. 
40030 Aquatic bioproduction science-related 40 F
Aquatic environment, Fisheries, Aquatic resource management, Aquatic organisms, Aquatic ecosystem, Aquaculture, Fisheries engineering, Fishing community/fisheries policy, Fisheries economics/management/marketing, Fisheries education, etc. 
40040 Aquatic life science-related 40 F
Aquatic nutrition, Aquatic pathology, Aquatic genetics/heredity/breeding, Aquatic physiology, Utilization of aquatic organisms and biomass, Aquatic biological chemistry, Aquatic biotechnology, Aquatic food sciences, etc. 
41010 Agricultural and food economics-related 41 F
Food economy, Agricultural production economy, Agricultural policy, Food system, Food marketing, International agricultural development, Trade of agricultural commodities and livestock products, Rural resources and environment, etc. 
41020 Rural sociology and agricultural structure-related 41 F
Farm organization, Farm management, Agricultural structure, Agricultural market, Agricultural history, Rural society, Rural life, Agricultural cooperative, etc. 
41030 Rural environmental engineering and planning-related 41 F
Irrigation and drainage, Reclamation and conservation of agricultural land, Rural planning, Rural environment, Circulation of resources and energy, Disaster prevention in rural area, Stock management of agricultural infrastructures, Hydrodynamics and hydrology, Soil physics, Design and construction materials, etc. 
41040 Agricultural environmental engineering and agricultural information engineering-related 41 F
Agricultural production facilities, Bioproduction machinery, Environmental control, Agricultural meteorology and micrometeorology, Agricultural information, Greenhouse horticulture, Plant factory, Postharvest and supply chain, Nondestructive measurement, Remote sensing and geographic information system, etc. 
41050 Environmental agriculture-related 41 F
Biomass, Environmental manipulation, Biodiversity, Environmental analysis, Ecosystem services, Resources circulation system, Low-carbon societies, Life-cycle assessment, Environmental friendly agriculture, Watershed management, etc. 
42010 Animal production science-related 42 F
Breeding/genetics, Reproduction, Nutrition/feeding, Anatomy/physiology, Product, Environment, Behavior, Therapy, Grassland, Grazing, etc. 
42020 Veterinary medical science-related 42 F
Basic veterinary science, Pathological veterinary science, Applied veterinary science, Clinical veterinary science, Animal nursing, Animal welfare, Wildlife, etc. 
42030 Animal life science-related 42 F
Homeostasis, Cellular function, Biological defense, Integrated genetics, Development/differentiation, Biotechnology, etc. 
42040 Laboratory animal science-related 42 F
Genetic engineering, Developmental engineering, Animal models of disease, Facility management, Laboratory animal welfare, Laboratory animal-related technology, Bioresource, etc. 
43010 Molecular biology-related 43 G
Chromosome function, Chromatin, Epigenetics, Genome maintenance, Genome transmission, Chromosome re-organization, Gene expression, Non-coding RNA, Regulation of protein function, Molecular genetics, Regulation of RNA function, etc. 
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Medium-sized Section Broad Section
43020 Structural biochemistry-related 43 G
Proteins, Nucleic acids, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Biological membrane, Molecular recognition, Denaturation, Three-dimensional structural analysis, Three-dimensional structural prediction, Molecular dynamics, etc. 
43030 Functional biochemistry-related 43 G
Enzymes, Sugar chain, Bioenergy conversion, Biological trace elements, Physiologically active substances, Cell signaling, Membrane transport, Proteolysis, Molecular recognition, Organelle, etc. 
43040 Biophysics-related 43 G
Structure biology, Physical property of biomolecules, Biomembrane, Photobiology, Molecular motor, Biometrics, Bioimaging, Systems biology, Synthetic biology, Theoretical biology, etc. 
43050 Genome biology-related 43 G
Genome organization, Genome function, Genome diversity, Molecular evolution of genome, Genome repair/maintenance, Trans-omics, Epigenome, Gene resource, Genome dynamics, etc. 
43060 System genome science-related 43 G
Network analyses, Synthetic biology, Biological databases, Bioinformatics, Genome analysis technology, Genome biotechnology, etc. 
44010 Cell biology-related 44 G
Cytoskeleton, Proteolysis, Organelle, Nuclear structure and function, Extracellular matrix, Signal transduction, Cell cycle, Cell motility, Cell-cell interaction, Cellular genetics, etc. 
44020 Developmental biology-related 44 G
Cell differentiation, Stem cells, Regeneration, Germ layer formation, Morphogenesis, Organogenesis, Fertilization, Germ cells, Developmental genetics, Evolution and development, etc. 
44030 Plant molecular biology and physiology-related 44 G
Photosynthesis, Growth physiology, Plant development, Organelle, Cell wall, Responses to environment, Plant-microbe interaction, Metabolism, Plant molecular function, etc. 
44040 Morphology and anatomical structure-related 44 G
Morphology, Comparative morphology, Morphological modeling, Ultrastructure, Morphological image analysis, Tissue organization, Microscopic technology, Imaging, etc. 
44050 Animal physiological chemistry, physiology and behavioral biology-related 44 G
Metabolic physiology, Neurophysiology, Neuroethology, Behavioral physiology, Animal physiological chemistry, Chronobiology, Comparative physiology, Comparative endocrinology, Behavioral genetics, etc. 
45010 Genetics-related 45 G
Molecular genetics, Cellular genetics, Developmental genetics, Behavioral genetics, Population genetics, Quantitative trait, Population genomics, Genome-wide association study, Genetic diversity, Epigenome diversity, etc. 
45020 Evolutionary biology-related 45 G
Molecular evolution, Evolutionary genetics, Phenotypic evolution, Evolutionary developmental biology, Evolution of ecological traits, Evolution of behaviors, Experimental evolution, Coevolution, Speciation, Evolutionary theory, etc. 
45030 Biodiversity and systematics-related 45 G
Taxonomic characters, Taxon, Classification system, Molecular phylogeny, Phyletic evolution, Speciation, Natural history, Biogeography, Rare species conservation, Biodiversity, etc. 
45040 Ecology and environment-related 45 G
Chemical ecology, Molecular ecology, Physiological ecology, Evolutionary ecology, Behavioral ecology, Population ecology, Community ecology, Conservation ecology, Biological interactions, Material cycles in ecosystems, etc. 
45050 Physical anthropology-related 45 G
Morphology and function, Bioarchaeology, Biological mechanism, Genome, Evolutionary genetics, Behavior, Ecology, Comparative cognition, Primates, Growth and aging, etc. 
45060 Applied anthropology-related 45 G
Physiological anthropology, Ergonomics, Forensic anthropology, Medical anthropology, Physiological polymorphisms, Environmental adaptability, Somatic and physiological function, Anthropometry and bioengineering, Lifestyle, etc. 
46010 Neuroscience-general-related 46 G
Neurochemistry, Neuron, Glia, Genome, Epigenetics, Neurobiology, Information processing, Synapse, Neurogenesis, etc. 
46020 Anatomy and histopathology of nervous system-related 46 G
Neural development, Anatomy of nervous system, Neural network structure, Neuropathology, etc. 
46030 Function of nervous system-related 46 G
Neurophysiology, Neuropharmacology, Neurotransmission, Neuroinformatics, Behavioral neuroscience, Neural system physiology, Cerebral blood flow, Autonomic nervous system, etc. 
47010 Pharmaceutical chemistry and drug development sciences-related 47 H
Inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Medicinal molecular design, Drug discovery, Bio-related materials, Chemical biology, etc. 
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47020 Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry and physicochemistry-related 47 H
Environmental analysis, Bioanalysis, Physicochemistry, Biophysics, Structural biology, Radiochemistry, Bioimaging, Drug formulation design, Computer science, Information science, etc. 
47030 Pharmaceutical hygiene and biochemistry-related 47 H
Environmental hygiene, Healthful nutrition, Disease prevention, Toxicology, Drug metabolism, Host defense, Molecular biology, Cell biology, Biochemistry, etc. 
47040 Pharmacology-related 47 H
Pharmacology, Pharmacogenomics, Applied pharmacology, Signal transduction, Drug interactions, Drug response, Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacotoxicology, etc. 
47050 Environmental and natural pharmaceutical resources-related 47 H
Environmental resource science, Natural products chemistry, Bioactive natural compounds, Medicinal resources, Medicinal foods, Pharmaceutical microbiology, etc. 
47060 Clinical pharmacy-related 47 H
Pharmacokinetics, Medical informatics, Social pharmacy, Clinical pharmacy, Pharmaceutics, Regulatory science, Education for the pharmacist, etc. 
48010 Anatomy-related 48 H
Macroscopic anatomy, Histology, Embryology, etc. 
48020 Physiology-related 48 H
General physiology, Pathophysiology, Comparative physiology, Environmental physiology, etc. 
48030 Pharmacology-related 48 H
Genomic pharmacology, Molecular and cellular pharmacology, Pathological pharmacology, Behavioral pharmacology, Pharmacology for drug discovery, Clinical pharmacology, etc. 
48040 Medical biochemistry-related 48 H
Biofunctional molecular and medical biochemistry, Genome medical sciences, Human genetics, Disease model, etc. 
49010 Pathological biochemistry-related 49 H
Molecular pathology, Metabolic disorders, Molecular diagnosis, etc. 
49020 Human pathology-related 49 H
Molecular pathology, Cyto- and histo-pathology, Diagnostic pathology, etc. 
49030 Experimental pathology-related 49 H
Disease models, Pathological regulation, Tissue regeneration, etc. 
49040 Parasitology-related 49 H
Parasite, Vector organism, Parasite pathogenicity, Epidemiology of parasites, Control of parasite infections, etc. 
49050 Bacteriology-related 49 H
Bacterium, Fungus, Antimicrobial resistance, Bacterial pathogenicity, Epidemiology of bacteria, Control of bacterial infections, etc. 
49060 Virology-related 49 H
Virus, Prion, Viral pathogenicity, Epidemiology of viruses, Control of viral infections, etc. 
49070 Immunology-related 49 H
Immune system, Immune response, Inflammation, Immune-related disorder, Immune regulation, etc. 
50010 Tumor biology-related 50 I
Cancer and gene, Tumor development, Invasion, Metastasis, Cancer microenvironment, Cancer and signal transduction, Characteristics of cancer cells, Cancer and immune cells, etc. 
50020 Tumor diagnostics and therapeutics-related 50 I
Genome analysis, Diagnostic markers, Molecule imaging, Chemotherapy, Nucleic acid therapy, Gene therapy, Immunotherapy, Molecular targeted therapy, Physical therapy, Radiation therapy, etc. 
51010 Basic brain sciences-related 51 I
Brain-machine interface, Model animal, Computational brain science, Brain information decoding, Control technologies, Brain imaging, Brain biometrics, etc. 
51020 Cognitive and brain science-related 51 I
Social behavior, Communication, Emotion, Decision making, Consciousness, Learning, Neuroeconomics, Neuropsychology, etc. 
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Medium-sized Section Broad Section
51030 Pathophysiologic neuroscience-related 51 I
Clinical neuroscience, Dolorology, Sensory impairment, Movement disorder, Neurological disorder, Neurogenesis, Neuroimmunology, Cellular degeneration, Disease model, etc. 
52010 General internal medicine-related 52 I
Psychosomatic medicine, Laboratory medicine, General practice, Geriatrics, Psychosomatic internal medicine, Oriental medicine, Palliative medicine, etc. 
52020 Neurology-related 52 I
Neurology, Neurofunctional imaging, etc. 
52030 Psychiatry-related 52 I
Clinical psychiatry, Biological psychiatry, Forensic mental health, etc. 
52040 Radiological sciences-related 52 I
Diagnostic radiology, Therapeutic radiology, Radiation biology, Radiological technology, etc. 
52050 Embryonic medicine and pediatrics-related 52 I
Fetal medicine, Neonatal medicine, Pediatrics, etc. 
53010 Gastroenterology-related 53 I
Upper digestive tract, Lower digestive tract, Liver, Biliary tract, Pancreas, etc. 
53020 Cardiology-related 53 I
Ischemic heart disease, Valvular heart disease, Arrhythmia, Cardiomyopathy, Heart failure, Peripheral arterial disease, Arteriosclerosis, Hypertension, etc. 
53030 Respiratory medicine-related 53 I
Respiratory medicine, Asthma, Diffusive lung disease, COPD, Lung cancer, Pulmonary hypertension, etc. 
53040 Nephrology-related 53 I
Acute renal failure, Chronic kidney disease, Diabetic nephropathy, Hypertension, Aqueous electrolyte metabolism, Artificial dialysis, etc. 
53050 Dermatology-related 53 I
Dermatology, Cutaneous immune disease, Cutaneous infection, Cutaneous tumor, etc. 
54010 Hematology and medical oncology-related 54 I
Hematological oncology, Medical oncology, Hematological immunology, Anemia, Thrombosis and hemostasis, Chemotherapy, etc. 
54020 Connective tissue disease and allergy-related 54 I
Connective tissue disease, Allergy, Clinical immunology, Inflammation, etc. 
54030 Infectious disease medicine-related 54 I
Infection diagnostics, Infection therapeutics, Host defense, International infection science, etc. 
54040 Metabolism and endocrinology-related 54 I
Energy balance, Glucose metabolism, Lipid metabolism, Purine metabolism, Bone metabolism, Electrolyte balance, Endocrinology, Neuroendocrinology, Reproductive endocrinology, etc. 
55010 General surgery and pediatric surgery-related 55 I
Surgical basic principles, Breast surgery, Endocrine surgery, Pediatric surgery, Transplant surgery, Artificial organs science, Regeneration, Operation support, etc. 
55020 Digestive surgery-related 55 I
Upper gastrointestinal surgery, Lower gastrointestinal surgery, Hepatic surgery, Biliary surgery, Pancreatic surgery, etc. 
55030 Cardiovascular surgery-related 55 I
Coronary artery surgery, Heart valve surgery, Surgery for myocardial disease, Aortic surgery, Vascular surgery, Congenital heart surgery, etc. 
55040 Respiratory surgery-related 55 I
Lung surgery, Mediastinal surgery, Chest wall surgery, Respiratory tract surgery, etc. 
55050 Anesthesiology-related 55 I
Anesthesiology, Perioperative management, Pain management, Resuscitology, Palliative medicine, etc. 
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55060 Emergency medicine-related 55 I
Intensive care medicine, Emergency resuscitation science, Trauma surgery, Disaster medicine, Disaster medical care, etc. 
56010 Neurosurgery-related 56 I
Neurosurgery, Spine and spinal cord diseases, etc. 
56020 Orthopedics-related 56 I
Orthopedics, Rehabilitation medicine, Sports medicine, etc. 
56030 Urology-related 56 I
Urology, Male genitalia science, etc. 
56040 Obstetrics and gynecology-related 56 I
Obstetrics, Reproductive endocrinology, Gynecologic oncology, Female health care medicine, etc. 
56050 Otorhinolaryngology-related 56 I
Otorhinolaryngology, Head and neck surgery, etc. 
56060 Ophthalmology-related 56 I
Ophthalmology, Ophthalmological optics, etc. 
56070 Plastic and reconstructive surgery-related 56 I
Plastic surgery, Reconstructive surgery, Aesthetic plastic surgery, etc. 
57010 Oral biological science-related 57 I
Oral anatomy, Oral histology and embryology, Oral physiology, Oral biochemistry, Pharmacology for hard tissues, etc. 
57020 Oral pathobiological science-related 57 I
Oral infectious diseases, Oral pathology, Oral experimental oncology, Immunity and inflammation, Laboratory medicine, etc. 
57030 Conservative dentistry-related 57 I
Operative dentistry, Endodontology, Periodontology, etc. 
57040 Regenerative dentistry and dental engineering-related 57 I
Regenerative dentistry, Biomaterial science, Dental materials science, Oral and maxillofacial prosthetics, Oral implantology, etc. 
57050 Prosthodontics-related 57 I
Prosthodontics, Oral rehabilitation, Gerodontology, etc. 
57060 Surgical dentistry-related 57 I
Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Oral maxillofacial reconstructive surgery, Dental anesthesiology, Psychosomatic medicine dentistry, Dental radiology, etc. 
57070 Developmental dentistry-related 57 I
Orthodontics, Pediatric dentistry, etc. 
57080 Social dentistry-related 57 I
Dental hygiene, Preventive dentistry, Oral health administration and management, Dental education, Forensic odontology, etc. 
58010 Medical management and medical sociology-related 58 I
Medical management, Medical social science, Ethics for medical science, Ethics for medical care, Biomedical education, History of medical science, Health policy and economics, Clinical trials, Health and medical services administration, Disaster medical science, etc. 
58020 Hygiene and public health-related: including laboratory approach 58 I
Hygiene, Public health, Epidemiology, Global health, etc. 
58030 Hygiene and public health-related: excluding laboratory approach 58 I
Hygiene, Public health, Epidemiology, Global health, etc. 
58040 Forensics medicine-related 58 I
Forensic medicine, Forensic pathology, Forensic toxicology, Forensic genetics, Suicide, Abuse, Clinical forensic medicine, Sudden death, etc. 
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58050 Fundamental of nursing-related 58 I
Fundamental of nursing, Nursing education, Nursing administration, Nursing ethics, Global nursing, etc. 
58060 Clinical nursing-related 58 I
Critical care and emergency nursing, Perioperative nursing, Nursing of chronic illness, Oncology nursing, Psychiatric nursing, Palliative care nursing, etc. 
58070 Lifelong developmental nursing-related 58 I
Women's health nursing, Maternal nursing, Midwifery, Family health nursing, Child health nursing, School nursing, etc. 
58080 Gerontological nursing and community health nursing-related 58 I
Gerontological nursing, Community health nursing, Public health nursing, Disaster nursing, Home care nursing, etc. 
59010 Rehabilitation science-related 59 I
Rehabilitation medicine, Rehabilitation nursing, Rehabilitation medical care, Physicotherapeutics, Occupational therapy, Assistive technology, Speech and language therapy, etc. 
59020 Sports sciences-related 59 I
Sports physiology, Sports biochemistry, Sports medicine, Sports sociology, Sports management, Sports psychology, Sports education, Training science, Sports biomechanics, Adapted sports science, etc. 
59030 Physical education, and physical and health education-related 59 I
Growth developmental science, Physical and health education, Physical education in school, Educational physiology, Physical systems science, Higher brain function science, Martial arts theory, Outdoor education, etc. 
59040 Nutrition science and health science-related 59 I
Nutritional physiology, Nutritional biochemistry, Nutritional education, Clinical nutrition, Functional food, Lifestyle-related disease, Health promotion, Aging, etc. 
60010 Theory of informatics-related 60 J
Discrete structure, Mathematical logic, Theory of computation, Mathematical theory of programs, Computational complexity theory, Algorithm theory, Information theory, Coding theory, Theory of cryptography, Learning theory, etc. 
60020 Mathematical informatics-related 60 J
Optimization theory, Mathematical systems theory, System control theory, System analysis, System methodology, System modeling, System simulation, Combinatorial optimization, Queueing theory, Mathematical finance, etc. 
60030 Statistical science-related 60 J
Statistics, Data science, Modeling, Statistical inference, Multivariate analysis, Time series analysis, Statistical quality control, Applied statistics, etc. 
60040 Computer system-related 60 J
Computer architecture, Circuit and system, LSI design, LSI testing, Reconfigurable system, Dependable architecture, Low power technology, Hardware/software codesign, Embedded system, etc. 
60050 Software-related 60 J
Programming language, Programming methodology, Operating system, Parallel and distributed computing, Software engineering, Virtualization technology, Cloud computing, Software dependability, Software security, etc. 
60060 Information network-related 60 J
Network architecture, Network protocol, Internet, Mobile network, Pervasive computing, Sensor network, IoT, Traffic engineering, Network management, Service platform technology, etc. 
60070 Information security-related 60 J
Cryptography, Tamper resistance technology, Authentication, Biometrics, Access control, Malware countermeasure, Countermeasures against cyber attacks, Privacy protection, Digital forensics, Security evaluation and authorization, etc. 
60080 Database-related 60 J
Data model, Database system, Multimedia database, Information retrieval, Content management, Metadata, Big data, Geographic information system, etc. 
60090 High performance computing-related 60 J
Parallel processing, Distributed processing, Cloud computing, Numerical analysis, Visualization, Computer graphics, High performance computing application, etc. 
60100 Computational science-related 60 J
Mathematical engineering, Computational mechanics, Numerical simulation, Multi-scale modeling, Large-scale computing, Massively parallel computing, Numerical computing methods, Advanced algorithms, etc. 
61010 Perceptual information processing-related 61 J
Pattern recognition, Image processing, Computer vision, Visual media processing, Acoustic media processing, Media editing, Media database, Sensing, Sensor fusion, etc. 
61020 Human interface and interaction-related 61 J
Human interface, Multi-modal interface, Human-computer interaction, Computer supported cooperative work, Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Realistic communication, Wearable device, Usability, Ergonomics, etc. 
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61030 Intelligent informatics-related 61 J
Search, Inference, Machine learning, Knowledge acquisition, Intelligent system, Intelligent information processing, Natural language processing, Data mining, Ontology, Agent system, etc. 
61040 Soft computing-related 61 J
Neural network, Evolutionary computation, Fuzzy theory, Chaos, Complex systems, Probabilistic information processing, etc. 
61050 Intelligent robotics-related 61 J
Intelligent robot, Behavior and environment recognition, Planning, Sensory behavior system, Autonomous system, Digital human, Real world information processing, Physical agents, Intelligent space, etc. 
61060 Kansei informatics-related 61 J
Kansei design, Kansei cognitive science, Kansei psychology, Kansei robotics, Kansei measurement evaluation, Kansei interface, Kansei physiology, Kansei material science, Kansei pedagogy, Kansei brain science, etc. 
62010 Life, health and medical informatics-related 62 J
Bioinformatics, Life informatics, Biological information, Neuroinformatics, Neural information processing, Molecular computing, DNA computing, Medical information, Health information, Medical image, etc. 
62020 Web informatics and service informatics-related 62 J
Web system, Semantic web, Web mining, Social network analysis, Service engineering, Educational service, Medical service, Welfare service, Social service, Information culture, etc. 
62030 Learning support system-related 62 J
Media literacy, Learning media, Social media, Learning content, Learning management, Learning support, Remote learning, e-Learning, etc. 
62040 Entertainment and game informatics-related 62 J
Music information processing, 3D content, Animation, Game programming, Network entertainment, Media art, Digital museum, Experience design, etc. 
63010 Environmental dynamic analysis-related 63 K
Global warming, Environmental change, Water and material cycle, Ocean, Land, Polar regions, Environmental measurements, Environmental model, Environmental information, Remote sensing, etc. 
63020 Radiation influence-related 63 K
Radiation, Measurement, Control, Repair, Biological effects, Risk, etc. 
63030 Chemical substance influence on environment-related 63 K
Toxicology, Toxic substance to human, Trace chemical substance, Endocrine disruptor, Repair, etc. 
63040 Environmental impact assessment-related 63 K
Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Terrestrial impact, Impact assessment on human health, Social and economic impacts, Impact assessment on the future generation, Environmental impact assessment, Assessment methods, Monitoring, Simulation, etc. 
64010 Environmental load and risk assessment-related 64 K
Environmental analysis, Environmental load analysis, Environmental monitoring, Pollution dynamics assessment, Evaluation of radioactive substances dynamics, Environmental modeling, Exposure assessment, Toxicity evaluation, Environmental assessment, Chemical substance management, etc. 
64020 Environmental load reduction and remediation-related 64 K
Removal of contamination, Treatment of waste material, Control of contamination source, Disposal of waste material, Environmental load reduction, Remediation measure of contamination, Noise and vibration reduction, Countermeasure of ground settlement, Bioremediation, Radioactive decontamination, etc. 
64030 Environmental materials and recycle technology-related 64 K
Recycle materials, Valuable materials recovery, Separation, refining and purification, Environment-conscious design, Recycle chemistry, Green production, Zero emission, Resource circulation, Renewable energy, Biomass utilization, etc. 
64040 Social-ecological systems-related 64 K
Biodiversity, Conservation biology, Natural capital, Impact of climate change, Impact analysis on ecosystem, Ecosystem management, Ecosystem restoration, Ecosystem services, Natural tourism resources, Regional environmental planning, etc. 
64050 Sound material-cycle social systems-related 64 K
Sound material-cycle systems, Material and energy budget analysis, Low carbon society, Unused energy, Regional revitalization, Water use system, Industrial symbiosis, Life cycle assessment (LCA), Integrated environmental management, 3R (reduction, reuse, recycle) social systems, etc. 
64060 Environmental policy and social systems-related 64 K
Environmental philosophy and ethics, Environmental laws, Environmental economics, Environmental information, Environmental education, Environmental activities, Environmental management and governance, Social and public system, Consensus forming, Sustainable development, etc. 
90010 Design-related 01、23、61 A、C、J
Information design, Environmental design, Industrial design, Spatial design, Design history, Theory of design, Design standard, Design support, Evaluation of design, Design education, etc. 
90020 Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics-related 02、62 A、J
Library science, Information services, Information organizing, Information retrieval, Bibliometrics, Information resources, Information ethics, Digital humanities, Social Informatics, Digital archives, etc. 
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Medium-sized Section Broad Section
90030 Cognitive science-related 10、61 A、J
Cognitive science in general, Cognitive models, Kansei, Human factors, Cognitive and brain science, Comparative cognition, Cognitive linguistics, Cognitive engineering, etc. 
90110 Biomedical engineering-related 90 D、I
Medical imaging, Medical modeling, Biological simulation, Biometrics, Artificial organs, Tissue engineering, Biophysical properties, Biocontrol, Biomechanics, Nanobio systems, etc. 
90120 Biomaterials-related 90 D、I
Biofunctional materials, Tissue engineering materials, Biocompatible materials, Nanobio materials, Drug delivery systems, Stimuli-sensitive materials, Genetic engineering material, etc. 
90130 Medical systems-related 90 D、I
Medical ultrasound system, Diagnostic imaging system, Laboratory diagnosis systems, Minimally invasive treatment systems, Remote diagnosis and treatment systems, Organ preservation systems, Medical information systems, Computer-assisted surgery, Medical robot, etc. 
90140 Medical technology assessment-related 90 D、I
Regulatory science, Safety evaluation, Clinical study, Medical technology ethics, Medical devices, etc. 
90150 Medical assistive technology-related 90 D、I
Healthcare and rehabilitation engineering, Life assist technology, Care support technology, Accessibility design, Universal design, Rehabilitation and nursing robot, Assist device for artificial internal organ, Rehabilitation devices, Nursing science and engineering, etc. 
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